The roofing industry has long suffered with a false reputation of being a low-skilled, undesirable career choice for young people. In addition, the lack of roof training provision has been another factor in making recruitment of new entrants, of the right calibre and in the numbers that are needed by the industry, extremely difficult.
It is, therefore, fantastic news that we are able to report that three of our member companies – SPV Group, Rydale Roofing and J Wright Roofing – have set up roof training facilities in their areas. These new centres will all deliver pathway courses in roofing that will provide the new young recruits so desperately needed by the industry.
The pathway course delivers training in roof slating and tiling, built-up bituminous, liquid roofing, single ply and sheeting and cladding. This enables the students to decide which roofing discipline is best suited to their skill-set.
The course delivers a Level 1 Introduction to Construction qualification and students will also achieve basic English and Maths qualifications. In addition, they will all receive training in essential health and safety courses such manual handling, working at height, fire safety and asbestos awareness. This means at the end of the pathway course there is a group of site-ready young people ready to work in the industry and ready to pursue an apprenticeship in their chosen discipline.
We urge all roofing companies to get involved with these new centres and show your support in any way you can, for example:
- Offer job interviews – source your new recruits and support them through their apprenticeship
- Offer work experience placements
- Deliver careers and industry talks to the students
- Offer site visits
Please pledge your support and contact Paul Harper on 07968 505161 or to confirm your interest or if you require any further information.